Wednesday, June 29, 2011

JNatural Feat. Medusa - They Want Sex

Call 310, we need an Emergency Music Video!


It was a sunday. I normally work weekends but on Saturday of that weekend, I rested. Now it was sunday and I had slept in an hour or two. I was hungry and I was on the move. I was in my truck headed to McDonalds for an egg McMuffin, then I was gonna come back to the house and take a shower, and then probably lay in bed for a while and daydream about what kind of story I wanted to write that day. All of a sudden, phone rings... Its Jason Haberman a.k.a. What310 on the line.. He says "man, what are you doing RIGHT NOW!" I said.. "uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh, going to get an egg McMuffin?" he said "bro, this chic called me up, this is an emergency! Her video guy flaked, she needs us to make a video, I told her I would do it if I could bring my lighting guy.." I said "yo, talk money..(note: I didn't really say that in real life) Jason said "she threw in your cash for the budget, you in?!"... I was like "uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh, (I like to kick it and have days off but chillin is overrated) So I said "WEON homay" ... he said "alright, can you be there in an hour?!?!?!" An hour?! Daaaym, this was really an emergency; I pictured Jason running with a camera bag and a boom box, possibly sliding down a firepole with his girlfriend, Neysa, already in driver seat of the car, with the car running while jason ran and jumped headfirst into the backseat through the open window like on dukes of Hazard as Neysa did a burn out U-Turn... anyways, I was like "oh mannnn, ..... Alright i'll be there in an hour!!"

We talked about what equipment we would need, it was just gonna be a simple simple kit. I ended up going and getting that egg mcmuffin, then coming back and getting a shower, then loading the truck; I didn't forget the sun block. Then, BAM hit the freeway, rollin on the I-5 north into downtown LA, got onto the 101 and then got off on Rampart, etc. etc. Parked the truck right next to the house we were going to shoot at. We got set up and put on our sun block. We were kickin it, waiting for the artist "Medusa" to arrive. I was talking to Jason's girlfriend about Bald Eagles.. then Medusa rolled up in her custom wrapped colorful hip hop van with her mohalk in full effect. It was kinda tough to park that van on the super steep front yard; I helped drive that thing into position with my van driving man skills. The boom box was hooked up, the girls were ready, the water hose was flowing, the camera was rollin', dolly was goin, I thought I saw a samoan, etc. etc.

a few minutes later, those shots were done. Then we filmed Medusa and JNatural drive by in Medusa's crazy colorful wrapped Van. BOOM, we got into our vehicles and drove down the street to a spot in Downtown LA. It was a cool little hair salon slash/vinyl record store; this place was really cool, it had a lot of vintage style.

I parked the truck close and we unloaded real fast. I set up a couple lights and then I set up the dolly and track outside, first we got the roll up in the van shot, then we moved inside. We filmed both of the girls pretty quickly, the longest part was when the make up artist was getting JNatural's new look ready for the performance scene. The indoor Salon stuff went really smooth, then we packed up the gear in the truck, filmed a couple more things outside, and then, ThAT WAS A WRAP!.

I really liked this song and I think that, for an extreme short notice video, we did a pretty good job. Jason edited this video and had it uploaded... that night!

WOW. I think we SH(#$d on that other camera guy whoever he was... hummmmm. anyways, it was a fun little video and a fun little day. I hope everybody enjoys our video!

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