Thursday, April 3, 2014

Walki Talkis

From here on when you hire AGrip we will come equipped with these Walki Talki's.

We have 5 Walki Talki's. They are Digital UHF of the finest caliber. We have surveillance kits for each of them. (feel free to buy your own ear piece.)

Walki Talki's make everything much more convenient. These Walki Talki's used in conjunction with my AGrip Grip's custom Tool Belts that I put together make my AGrip team one of the most capable grip crews that there is anywhere. I am very excited to use this on your next project. With these Walki Talki's, we can accomplish more, faster.

These Walki's make a lot of the things that we do so much easier and faster by being able to have a grip at the truck or somewhere within a location and being able to contact them without having to look for them. If a grip is already at the truck he can pull out a piece of equipment and begin carrying it while another grip is already in route, they can hand off the gear, and the specific piece of equipment that we need can be put into use in no time on set. 

These are great for our run and gun shoots. They are also great for our shoots that happen on in multi story mansions or in shoots where production is spread out. Any shoots that take place out doors are GREATLY enhanced with the ability to use wireless communication. It goes without saying that Walki's are a GREAT addition and now you won't have to take care of renting them and returning them from a 3rd party rental house because your grip crew already comes equipped.

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