Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Veronica Ballestrini shoot, Guys like you

I had a great shoot on January 14th 2012 with Director DJ Cosgrove and his production company called Dextral. The Director of Photography for this shoot was Joseph Lombardi, he did a great job.

Veronica Ballestrini is an artist that I am really rooting for; she is very talented and has a great voice, she is also an uplifting person with a positive message.

This video rates high on the "Doability" chart. DJ came up with a concept that had many engaging elements, his concept also lended itself to quality production for the entire music video, within the time constraints of our budget.

3 concepts stand out in this video:

First of all, the paper background and split screen concept is interesting and entertaining. This concept supplies the video with quite a few precious seconds of entertainment.

The 2nd concept that stands out in this video is the use of children to carry the story line. Veronica being 20 years old, fully grown and beautiful makes people think about situations more in her age range however, the use of children is comedic and contasts with Veronica's age. It seems to show how boys can be boys but at some point they have to be careful what they turn into. (I guess, I mostly just thought it was a cute touch)

The 3rd concept in this music video is how we showed the production equipment in the video, we broke the 3rd wall and showed the equipment and a little bit behind the curtain of the music video. For parts of the video you will see music video looking footage and then the camera will dolly back revealing how we did certain things and you will get a sense that you are in a production. This is another engaging concept among many that makes this music video interesting from start to finish.

I liked Veronica's song a lot. Musically this song is catchy and fun; top notch.

Email me at: and ask me about the AGrip Van Deal for medium sized 1 location music videos. This is the best priced and manned Grip/Lighting & Camera support package out there. In the Audio Blog I forgot to mention that the "Van Deal" does come with track and dolly. This Van Deal is optimized for music videos.

Note: This behind the scenes video really does not do justice because the coolest parts of the video, I couldn't film behind the scenes on because I was pushing the dolly. But at least you can see a little from this video.

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