Friday, October 14, 2011

Black Light, Dir. Aris Jerome, Kevin MCCALL, Mind F&$*ing You

Yesterday I did my first shoot with Director Aris Jerome for an artist named Kevin McCall.

Aris hit me up with his treatment and told me his idea for lighting. He wanted to use black lights in order to bring out fluorescent body paint on the girls. I thought it was a cool idea. Unfortunately we were not able to get ahold of any actual black lights so we ended up having to use Light Sabers. It was difficult at first to mount the Light Sabers to C-Stands but I figured out a way to do it without burning through the light stands.

The footage looked really cool. This was my second time shooting a black light scene and I had a lot of fun working on this video because we tried some new things. We also used a fog machine on this and we tried to use it sparingly. When the fog came out fresh from the machine it looked really cool when it was back lit by the Light Sabers and of course since it was a music video and we weren't recording audio the humming sound that Light Sabers make did not cause any problems but we did have 1 fatality when one of the booty shaker girls didn't realize that they were actual Light Sabers and touched one of them.

For a few moments things got really controversial on set when a discussion started between Kevin MCCall, his manager and myself over whether or not we would date an Avatar. We all agreed that Avatar chics are pretty sexy however some of us felt that since they are very tall (we estimated about 12' to 13' tall) that could make a long lasting physical relationship somewhat arduous (too much booty). However, Kevin's manager insisted that he wouldn't mind dating a 12' tall sexy blue alien female, part of me agreed that it might be cool.

This was a smooth and fun shoot, stay tuned for the Video.

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